Monday, July 27, 2009
Family Fun Night
Music with Mar
Sunday, July 19, 2009
"Mommy, is that your angel?"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Up, Up, and Away!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Connelly Family Visit
Lorelei in her new mommy-and-me matching apron with Grandma and Grandpa.
Sunday: We went to our church, Heartland, in the morning. Then we saw the Plaza, ate at Fritz's Railroad Restaurant in Crown Center, and visited Union Station. Lorelei loved the Science Museum, and we all enjoyed seeing the Chronicles of Narnia exhibit. The kids fell asleep in the planetarium, and when Mark and I decided to linger, we didn't know they'd turn out the lights on us. Pitch blackness, a sudden panic, and a loud thud. When Mark tumbled blindly over the banister dividing the exit, naptime was over!
King and Queen of Narnia. Lorelei and Tyler in a helicopter at the Science Center.
Monday: We spent this morning at the gym and pool, and even tempted a few waterslides. After lunch, we explored the Legends outdoor mall and dined at Lorelei's favorite restaurant, T-Rex. We also finished our dining room wall, topped off by wall letters--Connelly Family--I got for free (in exchange for a decorating idea). Good trade off, I think. :-)

Hayride through Deanna Rose Farmstead.

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Shorthill Family Reunion 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Let Freedom Ring!
Lorelei & Gryffin in Grammy & BPop's yard, just down the street from Overland Park's biggest fireworks display (one of Kansas City's best)!
Mommy, Gryffin, and Lorelei. We missed Daddy (and Lorelei sure let him know it tonight). When Daddy got home, Lorelei said, "You weren't there Daddy and so I was scared 'cause you were not there!"
BPop, Gryffin, Grammy, Meaghan, and Lorelei enjoying the festivities.
Meaghan and Lorelei snuggle under the blanket to keep warm. The weather was a cross between late summer and early fall, with a touch of a breeze--perfect!
Meaghan and Lorelei don hats to stave off loud bangs. Wish Mommy had one to stave off loud screams (see below)...
Lorelei screamed a dry, heaving scream at every explosion. Gryffy, on the other hand, pointed and babbled at them in awe. It's amazing how God made each of my kids so unique and different, and how I love them both so much!

Lindsy, Lorelei, Wendy, Jennie, Todd, Stephanie, Grammy, Cindy at Chili's in Topeka