Saturday morning, Mark and the kids met Mommy at Scooters for a cuppa and a chocolate muffin after Mommy finished writing. That afternoon, the weather was so nice that the kids traded in their usual naps for a family bike ride--not a brilliant idea, that one, we'd com
e to find out on a wailing car trip home from our second birthday, this one at Paradise Park (it took a trip out of town to get to said Paradise). The party was a blast though, and Gryffy got to even hang out with a couple of his buds, Will and Luke.
Some milestones to report as well: Today Gryffy signed "more" while he was eating (before burping up all his food--perhaps he'd meant to sign "no more"). Gryffy also signed "all done" (imitating Mommy) and has mastered the quintessential, maneuver-each-button-so-the-characters-pop-up toy. Meanwhile, Lorelei is suffering from terrible growing pains in her feet, though she seems to be better after a hot bath and a dose of Tylenol. And now they're both in bed, and Mommy and Daddy are going to snuggle up for a movie, Eagle Eye (Mark's pick).
Yay Wendy!! Welcome to the world of blogging? It's addicting I tell ya, but I'm so glad that we get to keep in touch with everyone so near & dear, yet so far away! Happy New Year to you & your family!