We're getting into summer reading, and our favorite spot (besides the rocker at bedtime) is snuggling up inside our egg swing beneath our giant tree in the backyard.
Lorelei's also making great progress at violin. She has mastered Lightly Row and is working on Song of the Wind. She leads her own symphony at home with little brother and her preschool friend.
Lorelei just moved up a violin size to a 1/8, and we rolled the rental fees from last year (thanks Grammy) into the purchase price--she now owns a beautiful violin with a gorgeous sound, especially when she plays it. I told Lorelei that this was a crossroads--buying a violin means she has to stick with it. She agreed.
Here, Gryffy's playing her old violin before we turned it back in to the shop (don't tell him he's playing the wrong side of the bridge--he looks determined). I love watching them play and enjoy creating music together!
And Gryffy's really gotten into books. We've checked out several from the library, including this book of animals with lots of pictures.
The kids are enjoying chapter books now, and a friend at church just handed us the Summer Reading Program brochure from the library. We're checking off boxes to earn our free book! So far we've read George's Marvelous Medicine and are two chapters from the end of Charlotte's Web. 
For Memorial Day Eve, we went up to Daddy's work to play at a park and enjoy Celebration at the Station (symphony and fireworks). I feel summer blowing in... we've just sorted through half the kids' toys to give away/sell, I've chopped my hair, and we've been spending large amounts of leisurely time riding bikes, going on walks, pulling the kids in the wagon, and today, swimming at the pool.
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