Monday, July 1, 2019

Scout Summer Camp 2019

For the first year in the history of scouts, girls got to join in the fun, build their own troops, and go to camp. Since our family was on vacation when the boys of Troop 91 went to camp, Gryffin and his bud, Tijmen, went to summer camp with the girls.
 And I couldn't pass up the opportunity to tag along, too! (Scout rules require a mom to be in attendance.)
 The girls and leaders were so gracious in letting the guys tag along, and Gryffin and Tijmen figured out that they hit the merit badge jackpot! Since Camp Jayhawk was high in staff and low in campers during this particular session, two of the dads in our troop talked the leaders into offering extra merit badges, and boy did we ever take them up on it!
 This was check-in inside the cafeteria where we ate our meals and sang loud, raucous songs.

 Our troop leader, Tom, taught a bunch of the kids the Chess Merit Badge. Here Gryffin and Tijmen, who spent years in chess club together, are practicing their moves.
 Here they are, setting off to a meal or flag ceremony or class.
 Lorelei and Gryffin are pretty inseparable and signed up for most merit badges together, except Lorelei opted for Communications and Gryffin opted for Archery during one hour.
 Lorelei and Kyra going down to the lake for a swim.

 It rained a lot. Lorelei's tent kept getting flooded.
 And one morning, Gryffin woke up in a panic because he had a tick, well, on a really bad spot.
 These were the beautiful grounds where they held ceremonies and bonfires.
 Troop spirit.

 This was at the eco lodge where the kids checked off just about every ecology-related merit badge possible. The leaders here were their absolute favorites.

 Flag ceremony.

 G and T with Tom, who made them feel extra welcome.
 And we loved Gryffin's archery counselor, who was set on watching these kids succeed and such an encourager.
 Gryffin worked hard to earn this one!

 The path through the woods to our campsite, full of spiders and snakes.

 Grace and Lorelei outside the eco lodge.
 Working on the Nature merit badge.
 So grateful for this wonderful experience at their first summer camp! Camp Jayhawk was the best.

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