Thursday, August 1, 2019

July Days

Here's a record of July 2019, based on my iPhotos. I'll post more about this July trip soon, but of course we made our yearly trek to my old home state and our traditional summer hangout, Colorado.
The kids went snuggle crazy with the pets, as usual.
I love how Domino is all snuggled up in the crook of Gryffin's arm.
Mark's band, Musivo Live, played at Prairie Fire. It was packed and everyone was dancing.
The kids and I stopped by to say hi and take in some music.
Some witchy friends and I celebrated the summer solstice in a backyard ceremony.

I made us floral crowns for the occasion.
The kids needed some volunteer hours so they helped build and paint the Aladdin-themed set at Mark's church.
I think more paint got on the floor than on the walls-ha! They were promptly reassigned. :)
We went to our traditional drive in movie and watched The Lion King. We also brought bubbles.

Soon we had a crowd lining up for said bubbles, and the next time we went to the drive-in, they used a movie of us and our bubbles for the drive-in promo video before the show. I think we need to bargain for some free tickets.

Back at the Aladdin set, building palm trees.
 Uncle Todd (Gruncle Claud, the kids call him) came to Kansas just after we returned from our visit to see his family in California. We spent a night at Great Wolf Lodge.

These two are pretty much inseparable. So darling.

Our big extended family reunion took place at Gage Park. I was in charge of games.
They were messy.

And fun.

Grammy-Great seemed to enjoy all the attention.

We rode the Gage Park train I rode as a kid when I'd visit for summer reunions.

And on our drive home, we stopped by Corpus Christi Catholic Church, where Mark and I were married, so the kids could peek inside and touch the place where our family officially began. It's tradition.
More snuggles.
Our fave Hummingbird smoothies, probably following a scout campout.
An indoor campout, too.
We spent the 4th of July with our neighbors, the Guzzo family, next to my mom's house at Corporate Woods.

And Uncle Mike and Matt made it out for a special visit. We loved getting to see them!
Snuggling on the couch.

I took the kids to see Cats, since they're kind of obsessed with our cats.

And we stopped by the Board of County Commissioners for a meeting. They got a special call out at the meeting for visiting.
Here they are with our truly awesome commissioner, Janee Hanzlick. We are big fans.
Some friends and I took off to the Ozarks on a boating trip.
 I brought along some tarot for fun and we read cards and did facials.
 Nayelli cooked an amazing dinner and fixed her famous salad.
 And as a hot day in the sun wore on, I became the designated driver.
 Kim did a great job at the helm as well.
 Jaime also steered for a bit and then enjoyed the sunshine.
 What a fun crew!
  We tethered up with this crowd for an outdoor concert. 
 And then lost our anchor, started floating away, got our rope snagged in another boat's motor, and almost got in a brawl with this lot.
 But a kind boat officer cut us free, and I boated us back to Bombay.
Super fun getaway with some great stories.
 To round out the end of July, a neighbor slumber party/campout in the backyard.

And that's a wrap for July, 2019!

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