Friday, November 18, 2011


Ever since I put two turtle doves in the bird cage decoration, Lorelei has been in love with them.  So I put one in the "mystery bag" for her show-and-tell at school, and sadly it lost a wing.  Tonight, Lorelei repaired its damaged wing with a piece of paper and some tape, and has been carrying it everywhere with her.  And you know what she named it?


A dove, the symbol of the Holy Spirit.  And unawares, she names it Spirit.  I have goosebumps.

Tonight before bed, when she asked me to tell her a "mix-up story," which is one I make up on the spot, I told her a real story.

"Every time you pray, Lorelei, Spirit perches on your shoulder here, and listens.  Then, Spirit flies to heaven to carry your words to God, and returns to perch on your shoulder again, waiting for your next prayer."

(And if you're wondering about her nails, we did a manicure over the ledge of the bathtub tonight.  Each letter stands for something: "J" because L jumps so high; "R" because L runs so fast.  Gryffy wanted just the letters of his name, and lots of red.  He was mad I refused to paint all his nails red, so alas I gave the boy a pedicure--thank you, cold weather, for keeping my boy in socks!)

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