Tuesday, January 1, 2013

In the year 2013 let this be our goal...

To focus on the donut, instead of on the hole.
 It was New Year's Eve 1999, in a hotel with high school friends, when I first read that quote.  It was streaming across the ticker at the bottom of the TV during the celebrations in Times Square, so fast that I barely caught it.  I loved it, and adopted it.  
And that's why our family eats donuts every New Year's morning.  
 We invented our own unique family tradition to go with it, too: donuts on strings.
The kids love it.


 I especially enjoy watching the children drool over the donuts as I make them wait until the strings are attached.  
They'll get me back over the next ten days, while I'm on a "Daniel Fast" refraining from meat, processed foods and sugars (and Facebook!) to be more disciplined and intentional about my life, especially prayer and my walk with God.  That donut was my last splurge.
But lunch wasn't bad.
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Love this too Wendy- I always forget that I want to adopt this from you! What a great tradition! Your lunch looks yummy too! You are one inspiring woman! I love my Josh Groban cd that you sent me- you are so sweet & thoughtful! Thanks for cheering me up through my hard times!
